
VOTE: dxc5 or Ngf3 in this London Opening position

Hi all- my friends and I are working through a variation in the London System and we've hit a fork in the road. We need to decide whether to play 7.dxc5 or 7.Ngf3 in this position:

dxc5 Pros:
-Prevents black from playing c4
-Opens the position which may give tactical chances to white
dxc5 Cons:
-Captures away from the center and eliminates our main central pawn
-Overcomplicates with many variations and subvariations

Ngf3 Pros:
-Develops a piece
-Controls center square e5
Ngf3 Cons:
-Allows black to play c4, gain space and suffocate white
-Because it allows black to play c4, it's a passive move

So we're wondering what other people think about this: Please vote for which move you think it better and why. Or is there a move we missed and has potential to be good? We have done a lot of analysis with our thinking as well as with multiple engines, and we found very mixed results. But 7.dxc5 seems to have much more sharp variations. Let us know what you think

Happy Chessercising
Personally, I think that one isn't really " better" then the others, it depends on who is playing and what type of positions they are used to. I vote Ngf3, though
I think the key is to play dxc5- even if the computer doesn't like it as much, it swings the balance and we are humans who make mistakes in crazy positions
7 dxc5 is better. After 7 Ngf3 c4 black has no worries, while Bf1 is undeveloped.
@tpr Yes, this is what I thought as well, because allowing black to play c4 will make white suffer from a slow, grueling suffocation. But with dxc5, the balance swings, and if white understands the position better then black will have the much higher chance of making an error.
Idea: Quit London. Play whatever you want and play different each game instead. I started to have more fun after quitting my "same opening every game" approach. I realised Sicilian is not that bad, Gambits are sound, etc and had FUN!
Ngf3 is fighting for e5. Simple developing move. If Black plays c4, then White will try to push e4.
@alekhinesgun1937 e3-e4 is already super blocked by black, and black should be able to break through on the queenside faster than white can get in e4. In most positions I would agree that c4 is not good, but in this position black has the e4 square firmly under control and white is behind in development.

@savagechess2k If you can play your favorite Colle-Zukertort then I can play my London.
I agree with @alekhinesgun1937 completely, c4 is bad move. I have a game with something like dxc5 in london but a different position and after he took I just started pushing e5 and getting space, and I eventually won, so I vote for Ngf3
imo i think black equalized the position and he is fighting for the advantage, if i had to choose a move Ngf3, but i need to admit i think black is slightly better
If dxc5 after 9. Ngf3 Bd6 Bb5 Qe7 and black has a good center and good inittiative, if any c4 by white a6 should be enough, and after the critique move 11. Bh4 a6 Be2 O-O Bxf6 Qxd5 Rfd8 the bishop pair and development is enough compensation for the pawn i think.
In conclusion i dont like anyone but i would choose Ngf3

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