
Some moves not making a sound

Experiencing the same problem as others! I first thought it is my Waterfox Web Browser being the problem as in the past Firefox engine has been known to have stuttering issues with Lichess.

But then again, I now tried with Chromium Web Browser and the same issue is occurring there as well!

Usually from my experience this is happening during fast premoves. When there's no premoves then the sound is working fine.

Actually, this problem with the sound lag (delay) has started for me last 2-3 months but only at the initial game start-up. After that it normalizes again.

But this time the situation has worsened. At least I know this time it is not browser related compatibility issue.
The sound problems will be fixed with the next server restart.
@CroCopNo1 said in #37:
> When is that gonna be AAArmstark?

Nobody knows. Usually it restarts about once a week. So, in the next few days probably.
Lichess WTF, you managed to break the chess game! No move sound!

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