
Strange analysis / engine failure?

Hey friends : )
I'm analysing my last bullet game with the lichess built-in feature but something doesn't look entirely right to me:

since 18.Bxh7 seems killing, why does the engine keep telling 17...Nxh5 is still +0.5?
If you let it compute, it returns the correct value. (To me it happens with depth 27)
Stockfish at depth 29 says its +7.3. Give it time to think, and the engine will display the right evaluation.
#2 and #3
They are talking about the Server side computer analysis which shows Nxh5 as 0.5 when it is completely winning .
Computers aren't perfect. Though they do get better with depth.

If you think there is a misevaluation, either the computer hasn't gone deep enough to see what you see, or you're probably missing something.
I see you're a man of culture ;)
yeah I play that double B sac since I found out that little Lasker gem <3
Yes, that's a Stockfish bug.
I noticed it in a game at Lichess, and since then seen this bug in around 5 more games.
Reason being it takes a certain depth at which the computer yields it's analysis when one requests for but sometimes a move is analysed at a lower depth which I suppose may be the cause of all such thing.
#2 and #3
From my side, at depth 14 with 14 knodes/s, it showed me evaluation of +6.7 after Black played Nxh5.

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