
Automatic Rematch Feature

I think it would be nice to have an "Automatic Rematch Feature" where you set the number of games to play against an opponent, say Best of 3 or whatever.

Because sometimes you lose a game and you would like a rematch, but your opponent just leaves, and this is very upsetting! If this feature were available, then if they just leave, they forfeit the amount of games they did not play.

I'm tired of that behavior! Sometimes people do it as a kind of "in your face", you know: I just won and now I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do about it kinda deal!

Please implement this feature!
Rematches are a courtesy. If they are rejecting your request it is not a bad sportsmanship.
You are not owed a rematch. You should play knowing that you will get only get one game. Because no matter what you say now, if you win, you would most likely not rematch either making your opponent feel the same as you do now.

Having said that, I see no problem with what OP is proposing. They are proposing a 2-game seek. Where the opponent MUST play 2 games with you if they accept.

I proposed this for Horde chess sometime back in this forum. Because some people on this site have a huge rating difference while playing as white and black. So they only play one color and there is nothing stopping them from doing that which is unfair to horde rating field.

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