
Why did this game result in a tie.

I could of easily check mated him.. Instead I tried to make the game more interesting and see if I could stalemate as the objective. The opponent ran out of time. I should of won due to his time out and the last move I was not mated and could of stalemated. But he ran out of time and it still resulted in a draw. I should of won because I had time left and he timed out. Can someone explain please.
If you have insufficient material to ever mate the opponent (like only king as in your example), the game is a draw even when he oversteps time. So are the rules. Look for example at "Fide rules"
Computers always says the truth, and the truth is that you not checkmated your opponent and your time ran out, that's a draw
"you not checkmated your opponent and your time ran out, that's a draw"
In general this is lost, with the exception I just mentioned.
Yes I mean in this game is a draw because the opponent only have the king, basically
I played recently a game against Killerkaz, which I played an horrible ending and I survived thanks of my pawns, but it was horrible for me and I had afraid of my connection because my time was running even when I made a move and worried about time, and he is also quick :) but a win is a win

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