
Chat Suggestion

It would be nice to have a setting that allows a player to disable the chat during a game. This is very important to me because I am sick and tired of people saying weird things to me during a game, like, "You don't go for cheap tricks like that against the Two Knights because you're so behind in development!" Or some such insult like that! It is very upsetting and makes me lose my focus during a game!

If you think I'm lying, here's a link to a game I played recently where a player said something similar:

I would really love it if you put this feature in! Disable the chat if you want, period!
You can do that. You need to click on the green box next to where it says 'chat room'
Oh, so that's what that little green box is for? Cool, thanks!
But that's not good enough! It disables everything including messages from the server! I just want to stop the stream coming from the other guy. Just like you can do with takebacks you know.
But even then he won't be able to read messages from the server, that was important to him, wasn't it?
Like with takebacks, I want the other player to not be able to type anything either! That way, they don't get to type anything, whether good or bad. If it's good I just look unfriendly because they think I didn't type back you know!
@Roter_Korsar said in #7:
> But even then he won't be able to read messages from the server, that was important to him, wasn't it?
The odds of receiving a message during a game is low. In addition, users already receive a sound notification when a server message is given to them.
Also server messages are rare.
True, but I don't want them to be able to type because I won't be able to see it and respond. I just look uncool and unfriendly if that happens...

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