
Hide Ranking & UserName

Option to enable / disable the Username & Ranking of opponent before a match starts.
Reveal the information upon match end.
Especially in Tournaments.
(Blind Opposition? Blind to the Opposition?)
Reduce "Ranking Intimidation" etc...
Yes, I think this would be great. Just an option to hide it. All ratings are is a distraction.
When offered a draw, it is very important to know the rating of a player.

If you accept and ...
... your rating is higher , it will drop like you lost.
... your rating is lower, it will rise like you won.
Hiding the rating is bad.
If someone doesn't want to play with too low/too high ratings, rating range control exists for that.

But hiding username until the game ended might be good.
Chess solidarity: I think hiding a user name only shows a lack of respect towards the player. The opponent is a human not a computer opponent.

Having their name or nickname visible is showing that you respect the player. It will even help you remember their name.

Knowledge is power : Being prepared for a player, helps you win. If you pass your mouse over the name you get info, click on it and get even more.
Hmm, for some reasons my style was removed from Here is how to do it manually:

* Install Stylish (see #5)

* create a new style

* In Chrome, add ...
div.table div.username a.user_link {display: none !important;}
div.table div.username:hover a.user_link {display: inline !important;}
... as content, and ...
... as domain (use regular expression matching).

* In Firefox add ...
@-moz-document regexp(".*?lichess\\.org.*") {
div.table div.username a.user_link {display: none !important;}
div.table div.username:hover a.user_link {display: inline !important;}
... as content.

* save it, reload lichess.
I just see, i forgot the player names on the left, so i updated the style, it is now:


div.table div.username a.user_link,
div.players div.player a.user_link {
display: none !important;
div.table div.username:hover a.user_link,
div.players div.player:hover a.user_link {
display: inline !important;


@-moz-document regexp(".*?lichess\\.org.*") {
div.table div.username a.user_link,
div.players div.player a.user_link {
display: none !important;
div.table div.username:hover a.user_link,
div.players div.player:hover a.user_link {
display: inline !important;

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