
Sick of Fisher quotes

You may borrow my plushie Drama Llama if you need. The Drama Llama is always there to support you. <3 <3

PS - Chess is the best escape from the irrationality of life.
Öö ..wanna.. have.. plushie ... plushplush Drama Llama. ^ ^ and cuddle it,.. holding his neck tide, twisting it with my bare hand while running from the mental home.
I totally agree.
As Bobby Fischer said: "I don't believe in hero worship"
LOL, I said I was sick of Bobby, man! Are you trying to drive me crazy?
I think it's almost definite that the game is a draw theoretically. -- Bobby Fischer

Peristilo, something here seems going vice versa... :D. Instead of..., you get what you not had asked for. Lol.. hf
'This thread needs more bobby fischer quotes' - Bobby Fischer, 1968
don´t worry for Fisher quotes, as Fisher says:
"All that matters on the chessboard is good moves"
"I like to see them squirm" Booby Fischer...bobby that is. :]

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