
Lichess Promotor

Like the Patron icon; users who promote, write about, invite users = status reward profile icon.
Lichess does not need to encourage people to write about the site. Lichess is superior over other chess sites, and people will come naturally.

Also, if you want to write about them, then do it. Please don't do it for a measly reward such as a profile icon.
I have the same point of view as #2 and #3.

lichess is a pretty well-known server by internet chess players and doesn't need to be promoted. Chess players are using it because it is a good platform because it's a comprehensive server with a large player base. Also lichess doesn't need more players because it's a non-profit organization.

I'm sure the people putting in work into lichess are doing it for the chess community and their love for free chess servers and not because they want to be credited for it in anyway or because they want someone to show theit thankfulness by honoring icons.

This might be the way open source projects works.

Last to mention.

A big thanks to all lichess programmers, moderators and everyone else that is putting in work/donations into this service.
@NDuma well, it doesn't seem like a user who makes narcissistic posts deserves recognition for spreading a site that doesn't even benefit from a increased usership.
@IsolatedPun-Youtube It could be said the same about the Patrons.
Personally I like the T-Shirts.
Some "FanBoi's" like to brag.
Some Groupies like to Shag.
@blackzombie yeah yeah; I know - yada yada. We all love them because they're superior. Go write an article about it and quite ruining the thread with flattery to people who deserve it!
@nckqefhm I'm confused. Who says that a user who's making posts is narcissistic? And; why wouldn't promoters be recognized? If someone is working on the GitHub project as well I believe that they should have a badge. Why not?
Why not just delete our user names... Too much ego there.
Anyhow; Because we all love the platform in different ways; it's been opened up to recognize it in one. Why not more?
Why not also mention on the profile how active someone is in the forums & lead to that?
"iLichess" (no don't do that.).
@Nduma You misunderstood me. You have a point and there is something in what you say that translations and other work for lichess isn't appreciated. I was trying to find the reason. Actually you are claiming to be honored and appreciated by other persons that also do volountery work for lichess without getting credited for it. That's why it won't work. This might be an open source issue.

You are blaming me for "ruining the thread with flattery". Why do you then claim to be flattered with honoring icons.
If there was a "profile icon" for advertising you would advertise just to get that icon. You haven't written articles nor contribute that much to this Lichess community. This just proves you want to have a "status". Sadly, many other on Lichess share your ideology, and would advertise just to get a profile icon.

Imagine the forums: people trying to get their forum posts up. Imagine the fake accounts people would make to inflate their "referals", Lichess public figure would be tarnished if we needed to present rewards to people in order to motivate them to "write articles".

This idea is pretty terrible in my opinion and many would agree.

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