
Why do you take away points and sets the man as cheater?

Hi every 1!

I'm just wondering why you tak all of this mans points and you think that he is a cheater?

The user name i talk about is "puyol"

I know for 100% that this man is an old man and he don't even know what the cheat is.

You are thinking that he is cheating for what reason?

I don't understand and the old man have no ide what you are doing.

He is extremly good chesss player and if you think that he cheats then you have no ide what cheat is.

That man is not cheating and if you think that then i have to say that this site is poor and not proffessional.

It's sad that you are doing like this without reason.


Best regards
Swedish man
I'm interested of how cheaters are detected. Of course I understand that the exact method may be kept secret, but I hope it's not just a matter of looking at lichess' computer analysis and see that one player has 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes and 0 blunders in his/her game and the evaluation. If this would be the case, I could be labelled as a cheater although I do not have any motivation nor would my morale allow me ever to even consider such things.

In the last blitz tournament I played in lichess I think I played some really good games and I let the computer analyse some of my games and sure enough, at least one game was "perfect" in sense that it didn't detect any mistakes, nor even inaccuracies in my play:

Obviously this is not an adequate method to detect cheaters.
Time spent during each move and quality of moves are good indicators.
Seimatrap: I don't know anything about this particular case, but you can be sure that it isn't just a matter of checking whether a player has 0 inaccuracies, mistakes and blunders in one game. A whole range of factors are taken into consideration.
with me same problem happened, but i'm create post not here in off-topic, now it on the top, who know how to unlock rating help )) along ago im had login 8oP, windows critical error and no 8oP ))) now start with 8-P and dont want lose it

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