
What is your highest puzzle streak?


There was a glitch during that week , so I clearly didn't deserve it and now my chess spirit is tainted with immense guilt.
I made a huge leap from 54 to 81. It really was mostly about taking my time and double checking even the obvious finishes. Taking breaks in-between puzzles and using the arrows and circles, while talking it out. If it got to the point that I wanted to skip a move, I would just take a long break and come back with fresh eyes and usually find the solution quickly.

As far as know only one other player has done more runs of Puzzle Storm than me, but I consider Puzzle Streak to be even a better way to practice solving tactics because you can really reach a much higher quality of puzzle when time isn't an issue.

That said, I don't get much credibility to high scores in the standard puzzle or Puzzle Streak because it is too easy to get assistance. Puzzle Storm or Puzzle Racer is much harder to cheat.
I’m in the top 1% of people who’ve scored 26. That means I’m better than everyone who has scored less. If you all practice and work hard you can all reach this level of greatness and and be a super GM like me. I want you all to call me Magnus but i read somewhere that someone already claimed this name. Is this correct? :-) :-) :-)

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