
Is your playing style the oppsite of your real life personality?

No, I already asked him that. -.-

AoE 2 is in my view the best game of it's kind ever made.
In these days, I get my rocks off Galactic Civilizations, which despite the similar title is by another company! :)

You can create your own custom race, invade and destroy anentire species (which obviously wasn't the case in Civ5 nor will it ever be), aah, the level of fun I'm having just rose exponentiately!
Chess pieces are the strings of the chess board. When you learn this instrument you can express your real self (out of social adaptation and hypocrisy).
Mine fits my personality in so many levels. There are so many things I see in my chess play that I see in my life that I don't even want to bore you with the explanations.
CTORH, I wouldnt say that you're expressing much, compared to other things like sports/music.

I'd say I play more like an older player. Calm, quiet, positional (QGD, caro, alekhine, nimzo). Not too much risk. Slow/closed.

My personality is ISTJ (pseudoscience). People tell me I'm really dry (boring is the word they're looking for probably).

I'd say it's almost a useless question.
I am/was into extreme sports for most of my life. Dirtbikes, streetbikes/racetrack, mountain biking.

So the pattern you noticed works with me.
My life is chess!
I always calculating my life: I calculating occasions, circumstances, human interactions. I have prepared lines on how to answer on certain questions, how to behave in certain situations. I always create dialogues or any communication in my imagination and think over about how to answer on all kind of things.
So, often, when somebody asks me a question I already have an answer, eloquently prepared and I just give it as output.
I don't risk almost. Though, people around me thing often I'm mad, it's not so: if it even seems as a risk, I nonetheless have calculated, counted every detail.
I think over on how to smile, how to walk, how to sit, I count everything about interactions.
Don't think I am mad, I just seriously study, research human communications.

So the same is in chess.

But what is the main thing about chess and communication I want to mention is that in a live interaction you need to be fast, very fast. You need to find a witty and eloquent answer within a second-two. You have not an hour as when you interact in writing. That's why I play bullet and lower time controls: it trains my mind work very fast.
So, with such training you need a very few time to argue in life or answer witty on something. Or overwhelm an insulter who tried to taunt you.

My chess game is very similar to my communication style. I don't like risky moves, I calculate everything if I have time, I prepare lines (as I prepare openings in atomic, for example), I train to react fast; if I find a risky move (behaving in some life situation) I calculate it very properly, and make it if I very much sure. I analyse games of better players (as in life I analyse people who has something I want to have also), and so on.
"I am convinced, the way one plays chess always reflects the player's personality. If something defines his character, then it will also define his way of playing."
- Vladimir Kramnik

"If it is true that a player's style is his person, then everyone plays as he is intended to by nature. I am naturally cautious, and I altogether dislike situations which involve risk."
- Tigran Petrosian

"Nowadays grandmasters no longer study their opponent's games so much, but they study his character, his behavior and his temperament in the most thorough fashion."
- David Bronstein

"In chess, as in life, a man is his own most dangerous opponent."
- Vasily Smyslov

"For me art and chess are closely related, both are forms in which the self finds beauty and expression."
- Vladimir Kramnik

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