
Is this cheating....or okay????

@for_cryingout_loud said in #6:
> How would you know that i have a chess board out are you watching me?

There's the rub. They aren't and AFAIK, they can't. (You nation's spy service/secret police, that's another matter) You're on your honour here. As you are with computer assistance, but with computer assistance they can get a pretty fair idea over time of who is and isn't using. If statistical evidence isn't an oxymoron.

I find it interesting that they permit users to set up a physical board and play the moves on that board first, so long as they are not using the physical board for analysis. How you could enforce that so that it didn't degenerate into cheating is beyond me.
@ed01106 said in #1:
I suppose having the position itself in a board might not be problematic, as long as you dont use the pieces to calculate.

The thing is that we can only calculate so deep at our level, and once the line goes a few moves deep, it starts to get fuzzy.
But if you actually move the pieces, you can set the new position after a few moves and calculate even deeper.

At the end of the day, no one will actually see you, so you can do it without repercussions. But cheating is easy, we are the ones who have to avoid it in our own game.
To answer your question, there is a button next to the chat that says notes where you can type notes in. So i think this should be allowed.
FIDE laws of chess (

12.3 a. During play the players are forbidden to make use of any notes, sources of information or advice, or analyse on another chessboard.
12.4 The scoresheet shall be used only for recording the moves, the times of the clocks, the offers of a draw, and matters relating to a claim and other relevant data.

I remember that some older version even emphasized that "notes" includes even notes created during the game.

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