
Profile rating graph controls are very broken

On some ratings graphs, including mine (, the time range/controls below the graph don't start out matching the graphed data. In my case, it starts with a ~3 month range of May 1 - August 5 (instead of the correct 3 months ago - today, which is at least what the graphed data correctly covers) and no moving of time range sliders (one of which isn't even displayed initially) or clicking on the 1m/3m/etc. buttons will change the time range shown at the bottom to match the graphed data.

It turns out this is May 1 - August 5 time range is exactly the range during which I have played any bullet games! So it seems to be basing the time range controls on only bullet data instead of all time controls/variants. Since I'm active at blitz through today, with the 3m range that is initially shown, the graph itself shows my last 3 months of blitz activity, but the time range/controls are locked to my bullet activity of which I have none in the last 3 months. This leads to a very broken and confusing interface.

I hope a developer will reply confirming this, since I'm currently afraid to start playing bullet again and thus make this bug no longer reproducible on my page. It is currently also reproducible (but less obvious) on
Yeah, the graph is somewhat flaky. I saved down your graph data and might be able to use it to reproduce later. Don't worry about it disappearing.

I already peeked at it briefly when i did the static colors, maybe it freaks out because there is no data points for the date where it intends to put the slider...

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