
Go vs Chess

This video frustrated me a lot. Go is not a more complicated game than chess. The fact that it is fundamentally so much simpler, is the reason why it must played on such a massive board (19x19). When checkers started dying because people began to solve it, they moved to bigger boards, just like what is done in go. If you played Go on an 8x8 board it would be far closer to checkers than chess in complexity. Chess, even if adapted somehow, could never be played on anything close to a 19x19 board. It would just be way too complicated and chaotic to even begin to play.

Also saying that chess was solved 20 years ago while Go still can't be beaten by a computer is a retarded argument. All of these types of developments come out of the western world where Go is played by virtually no one, and is a far far less popular game globally. Point being that far less effort has been put into solving go than chess, and thats the only reason it took longer to solve.
Agree, but somewhat disagree. Go is a very strategic game and too compare 19x19 go to 8x8 go, is like comparing normal chess to playing chess on a 4x4 board. Yes, Go is a simpler game, however it should be noted that there is a HUGE amount of stragety to play it, and hundreds of variations to calculate. Once you understand the game you will understand how complex the strategies are.

I do agree on your second part, go is much less popular, however, chess has around 20-30 moves in any given position, and go has hundreds. So although much more study has been dedicated to chess, Go is much much much harder to solve, and to program a computer with specific algorithms to deduce the best move.
It seems one of the best Go players in the world recently lost 1-4 to the machine. He had predicted to win 5-0!
have you played some time to the go??
the go is harder than chess
you sound quite bothered by the things said on the video. time to move on to 19x19 chess i suppose
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