
A crazyhouse engine!? Wow!

Thanks so much for the new crazyhouse engine! Except... there's one problem: when it suggests a drop of a piece, it doesn't show what piece to drop. Two ways to fix this:

1. Also put a circle around the piece that should be dropped.
2. Put a transparent duplicate of the piece on the board.

Anyway, this is amazing! I really wasn't expecting it so soon.
Actually, it seems the engine is not that good yet. I guess that's why full computer analysis of the games is not enabled yet (or because crazyhouse is way too complex for this to be of any worth?). It's still a nice addition, though.
He isn't kidding, @seanysean and @pranav15. Crazyhouse engine is available but currently for local analysis only. Server-side analysis is being worked on, though.
I have a suggestion for the engine... could it be possible to indicate which piece should be dropped? At the moment, the square is circled but there is no way of knowing which piece should be dropped there.

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