
What was your biggest chess achievement?

For me, it was 1000 bullet. At first glance, this may seem like I'm making a joke, but I'm actually not. A long time ago, I used to only play rapid. After some time of playing rapid, I got bored of chess. I kept on playing though, because I was spending money on chess classes. At some time, I was playing bullet for fun. I was a a 900 rating and proud. After a horrible game of rapid, I was like nah, I ain't doing this. To make me feel better, I played a bullet game, and won! At that time, it hit me! I should play bullet instead of rapid. I went full through with it, and finally got to 1000 bullet. I was feeling so accomplished, and happy, that I sprang to 1100 bullet. Now, I'm trying to get to 1200 bullet!!
The other day I beat a 2000 in classical xxx
@SOJB said in #4:
> The other day I beat a 2000 in classical xxx
and i beat 2115 today
I have had the same feeling when I first broke the 1500 barrier. Look where I am now. Keep going!
@vamsi_ravula Like you, I was below 1000 when I started playing bullet. I have at this point made it as high as 1850ish, and each crossing of a new century mark has felt like a big accomplishment. When I first started on lichess I was routinely losing 10+0 games on time, so it's been quite a growth process. Other milestones to celebrate are beating people with ratings above various marks, and beating titled players.
Rare and fascinating Chess puzzles. I can not sell them thanks to everyone's reliance on computers. Time to publish my own game.
In 1981 I won a game against a musician colleague who, in addition to having won the Lake Constance championship in southern Germany, had recently achieved a draw against Viktor Korchnoi.

It must be added however:

1. He had drawn the game against Korchnoi as one of 24 opponents playing him in a simul (the other 23 lost).
2. I was, compared to him, a miserably bad player; we both lived in the same tiny village and had no other partners, so we played each other every week for a year, and he beat me in every other game.
3. The game I won was played in January in a freezing cold train compartment at 4 in the morning; John had raging flu and a high temperature.

So, fair sportsman that I am, I made the most of my only chance :)

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