
If all Chess World Champions were simultaneously alive?

I apologize for that sub-par topic. If they all lived at the same time who would be best at their peak? How many games? How might they win?

This is if they lived today with Stockfish available. I think Kasparov is the first to benefit from computers as WC. Kramnik and beyond more so.

My goal is to find out the better adapter among them. You can not change the past I suppose. People wonder the GOAT of games. I suppose the world should never know.
I'd back Bobby Fischer, he had the raw IQ to be adapting, competitive attacking spirit, and phenomenal creativity. I see a young Bobby Fischer born at the same time as Magnus beating Magnus.
My top 30 chess players of all time at the peak of the strenght with all chess knowledge available.
I considered their habilities, contribution and love for chess at their times.
This is >my< personal list.

TOP 10
1º Kasparov, the GOAT
2º Fischer
3º Alekhine
4º Carlsen
5º Morphy
6º Capablanca
7º Karpov
8º Pillsbury
9º Anand
10º Keres

TOP 20
11º Korchnoi
12º Lasker
13º Smyslov
14º Bronstein
15º Steinitz
16º Tal
17º Botvinnik
18º Caruana
19º Kramnik
20º Spassky

TOP 30
21º Euwe
22º Petrosian
23º Ivanchuk
24º Philidor
25º Topalov
26º Reshevsky
27º Nepomniachtchi
28º La Bourdonnais
29º Tarrasch
30º Staunton
I am glad a human is number one in your eyes. You easily could have put Stockfish there that obliterates a human. It is taking our crowns.
@Clearchesser said in #6:
> I am glad a human is number one in your eyes. You easily could have put Stockfish there that obliterates a human. It is taking our crowns.

"If all chess world champions were simultaneously alive ??"

Why ?? Is there a shortage of narcissism in this world ?
In their prime isn;t the ONLY way of Looking at it ... Take for example V Smyslov former World Chess Champion who Played in The Candidates (AGAIN) at AGE 62 @Clearchesser

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