Magnus Carlsen

Image of Magnus Carlsen courtesy of Lennart Ootes

WATCH Magnus Carlsen get crushed by a brilliancy

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Only a matter of time

Featured is the round 2 game between Alisher Suleymenov and Magnus Carlsen from the 2023 Qatar Masters. After Carlsen’s crushing defeat, he voiced his concern over Suleymenov wearing an analog watch during the game. Carlsen asked an arbiter during the game whether watches were allowed, and the arbiter clarified that smartwatches were banned, but not analog watches. These details rattled Carlsen’s train of thought during play. Included in the video below are a few tweets by prominent figures in the chess community to help provide details surrounding the watch. Chess-wise, the game is played brilliantly by Suleymenov who pounces on Carlsen’s Queen’s Indian Defense the moment d6 becomes vulnerable. Surprisingly, the game reached a decisive evaluation after only 18 moves.

Alisher Suleymenov vs Magnus Carlsen, 2023 Qatar Masters

Below the video I have highlighted 4 positions

Question 1 of 4: What is a good reply to 9...Ng4?

Question 2 of 4: How would you reply to 10...Nd4?

Question 3 of 4: What is white's best move?

Question 4 of 4: How would you reply to 26...Kg8?

Closing words

Thank you in advance for any likes and/or follows you may give. Any questions or comments you may have can be left on YouTube or in the forum below. If you enjoyed the featured video, you may also enjoy the playlist I've created Magnus Carlsen Chess Games. I hope you have, in some way, benefited from this post. Thank you for taking the time to read. -Jerry